Our Clients
Trusted by leading organizations around the world
Delivering results to over 5,500 clients in 72 countries, DEKRA Insight is committed to creating a safer and healthier world. In partnership with organizations in all major industries, we have helped protect 2 million employees, developing workplace cultures that empower individuals to perform meaningful work that impacts the lives of our clients and their people.
Gaining the trust of clients means getting results. We focus on strengthening our customer relationships through an integrated approach that leverages complementary services within the safety ecosystem. The results are a transformative partnership where our expertise complements that of our clients—providing the highest value to your organization. With over 500 staff and associates across 22 locations worldwide we are ready to help you begin your journey to world-class safety.
We have served over 5,500 clients, among them the world’s leading corporations across multiple industries. This consistency enables the creation and use of benchmarks — foundational elements for change.