Applying NFPA 61 to Manage Fire and Explosion Risks in the Agriculture and Food Processing Industries

Fire and explosion incidents in the agricultural and food processing industry, reported during the last three years by, indicate a troublesome upward trend. The percentage of reported fire and explosion incidents has increased from an average of about 32% of the total incidents reported in 2016 and 2017 to an average of over 43% in the last 2 Ā½ years. The lion share of these fires and explosions has occurred in the grain industry, although the food industry reports significant numbers, as well. This webinar discusses these trends and what factors are driving them. The 2020 revision of NFPA 61, The Standard for Prevention of Fires and Dust Explosions in Agricultural and Food Processing Facilities, has added some important requirements and has made some changes that should serve to help in the reduction in the numbers of these incidents. The changes are discussed in this webinar, as well as important steps that you can take to manage the risk of fires and explosions.
During this informative presentation, we address:
  • The increasing number of reportable fires and explosions that are occurring in the agricultural and food processing industry
  • The factors that are believed to be driving these trends
  • A focus on equipment that is experiencing the highest frequency of fires and explosions and fire and explosion hazard mitigation strategies for this equipment
  • Risk management techniques that can be used to reduce fire and explosion incidents
  • Important changes in the latest revision of NFPA 61 and how these changes can serve to help you manage the fire and explosion risk, more effectively
Learn about the factors that are driving the increased number of reported incidents in the agriculture and food processing industry and risk management tools that can effectively be implemented to manage the risk of fire, flash fire and explosions.