How to Control Brain Centered Hazards™ in Warehouses

Warehouses can become places where serious injuries and fatalities (SIFs) are around every corner. They can even happen to the most experienced workers who have demonstrated they can safely perform the same routine task over and over again.
So why are these same workers vulnerable to SIFs? To answer that question we need to understand how the brain functions and how even small changes in a warehouse environment can lead to human error that results in serious injury.
Brain-centered hazards impact all people including good, experienced workers. It is important to understand how these hazards function and then design work environments and activities in a way that accounts for, and controls, them.
Learn more via the DEKRA white paper, “How to Control Brain-Centered Hazards in Warehouses,” which explores:
  • The differences between “fast brain” and “slow brain” functioning.
  • How visual recognition plays a role in safety.
  • Methods on how to control brain-centered hazards.
  • Ways to reduce human error but by not automatically blaming the worker.